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Women’s History Month: Making a Difference

Since 1987, in the United States, March has been celebrated as Women’s History Month. At Caring Transitions we’re proud to have numerous f...

Use a Life Transition to Create a Healthier Home

Are you planning for a life transition this year? Whether it may be for yourself, a parent, or a loved one, if downsizing or perhaps even a full move ...

Change Your Perspective

Transitions are a part of life. Changes help us grow and move forward. Some transitions we choose and can clearly see the good that’s coming. Ot...

Growing Bolder During Life’s Transitions: It’s not about age, it’s about attitude

“Whether you think you can or think you can't, you're right.” - Henry Ford Remember when no dream seemed too big? When the futu...

5 Tips to Begin Downsizing

Is this the year you’re making a move? Or moving your parents or a family member? Downsizing can be a challenge, especially emotionally, and it&...

Make Self-Care a Priority This Year

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.”      &...

When Was the Last Time You Did Something for the First Time?

When was the last time you did something for the first time? As we age, our “first-times” can easily become distant memories instead of it...

New Technology to Try in the New Year

New Year, new you? The one constant in life is change, and each new year usually brings some changes our way, both big and small. Are you planning any...

Where are you headed?

Where are you headed this year? Not just physically, but emotionally and mentally. Are you looking forward, or backward? Where we place our attention ...
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